
06 877 0197

021 341 414

About Christine

Experience in Auckland and Hawkes Bay

p_2.jpgI have 19 years experience counselling as a therapist in private practice. I trained in Auckland as a psycho-dynamic therapist and for a number of years worked there in a group practice sharing my time between Auckland and Hawkes Bay. I now work almost solely in the Bay in my own practice.

I originally trained as a teacher and had several years teaching in the field of Special Education before moving to work as a field and social worker for the CCS (formerly the Crippled Children Society) both in the Bay and in Auckland. It was during my time with CCS and for a period as Principal in an IHC School that I did my family and psychotherapy training.

Personal Therapy

For many years now my interest has remained with my work as a therapist, and I continue to grow and enjoy this with enthusiasm. A prerequisite to becoming registered as a therapist is the need to have been in personal therapy and to attend regular professional supervision.Ongoing professional development is also required through participation in seminars and workshops

Experience in Complex Disorders

Over my time working and counselling clients I have developed a special interest in anxious depression, anxiety disorders and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). This has required me to develop my work into a more cognitive behavioural way of working, and to further my understanding of Neuro Biological science. To this end I work in close conjunction with a visiting Psychiatrist from Auckland who has furthered my interest and understanding of these anxiety disorders.

Contact Christine

P   06 877 0197

M  021 341 414

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